Cobia Point

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

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Dive Cobia Point

Reef Drift

Cobia Point is a divesite in the area of Koh Rong Saloem. Koh Rong Saloem is located 1.5-2 hours away from Sihanoukville, and south of Koh Kron. It's a much bigger island that has 3 major beaches and several other minor ones. It is a habited island, but it remains very little visited and provides perfect secluded beaches and exclusive diving.

As its name suggests, this site tends to attract a lot of cobia (kingfish). These are large, up to 2m long and resemble grey reef sharks. Although they are not harmful, they are inquisitive and can often hang around you for much of the dive, which can be a bit unnerving if you don't know what they are! Stunning corals line the cliff face here which plunges quite steeply from the shore to around 18m. The site itself often has a current and is usually a drift dive.

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