Bonnie's Arch

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

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Dive Bonnie's Arch

Cave Reef Wall

The site name comes from Bonnie Charles, a famous photographer in Cayman Islands. The dive site is great. There is a small cavern, a mini wall and the arch. A lot of marine life including jacks.

  • 24034


Reviews (1)

sandy shelley April 3rd, 2021 - 18:05:
I was good friends with Bonnie when she first came to Grand Cayman Islands in the morning early 80’s. She and I used to dive together on Bob Soto’s diving operation. I was like living in South Florida when I received the news from my good friend, Everard Leacock, that she had died during a dive on Christmas Day. Cannot remember the year. Bonnie and I had great times back then!

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