B24 Liberator

Togian Islands, Sulawesi

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Dive B24 Liberator


The B24 Liberator wreck lies on flat sandy ground in depth of about 22m on the south coast of the Togian islands. Since there are a lot of Mangroves close by, the visibility is usually quite bad.

The airplane wreck ist still in very good shape and almost completely intact. In the cockpit you can see the instruments and the pilots seats, the gun turret is still in place and even one of the propellers is intact.

The plane was ditched by its pilot during world war 2 because one of the engines caught fire. All of the crew were rescued with only minor injuries shortly after. A copy of the pilots report can be found on the following page: http://www.starfish.ch/dive/Togian-Banggai.html#togian

This is a very unique dive. Dont miss it if you are in the area!

  • 25797


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