Pro Dive Bali

Pro Dive Bali

Denpasar, Bali

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PRO DIVE Bali is the specialist in Bali for all aspects of scuba diving and caters for experienced divers, novice divers and even people that have never dived before.We have been in Bali and operate since 1994 and a great combination of western standard and local knowledge ensures our customers are always happy!

More information about Pro Dive Bali

First aid kit = Yes
Oxygen = Yes
Decompression chamber < 50km = Yes
Handicapped accessible = Yes
House riff = No
Equipment rental = Yes
Nitrox rental = Yes
Rebreather rental = No
Computer rental = Yes
Camera rental = Yes
Photo processing = No
Digital camera rental = Yes
Digital photo processing = Yes
Video rental = No
Children diving = Yes
Charging station = No
Compressor = Bauer

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