M/V Scuba Adventure

M/V Scuba Adventure

Patong, Koh Phuket

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Book Dive Packages

Maximum of 12 guests on board this liveaboard.
3 day and night trips to Hin Daeng area
4 day and night trips to Similan and Richelieu Rock area
or combine these for 7 days and nights showing the best of the Andaman.
Nitrox available on board

More information about M/V Scuba Adventure

First aid kit = Yes Oxygen = Yes Life jacket = Yes Compass = Yes GPS = Yes Radar = No Air conditioning = Yes Ventilator = Yes TV set = Yes VCR = Yes CD player = Yes DVD player = Yes Nitrox rental = Yes Motor = 2x320HP Fresh water = 10000 li Generator = 2x220V Compressor = 2xColtri Dinghi = 1

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