Lobo Larsen Buceo

Lobo Larsen Buceo


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This adventure is carried out at the Natural Reserve of Punta Loma, 30 minutes away from Puerto Madryn. We’ll reach the place after an outstanding navigation witnessing the most typical patagonic scenary.

Once we get there, where there’s a stable population of around 900 one hair sea lions, we’ll be in the water along 45 minutes we’ll enjoy our time snorkeling with this friendly and curious marine mammals.

The interaction achieved in our Reserve between human beings and the sea lions has no precedent all over the world and this fact is due to a natural characteristic of this kind of sea lion which is its friendliness and another important reason is that within the Golfo Nuevo (New Gulf) they don’t have predators. And because of being a stable population, this excursion can be done every day all over the year, which means that these marine mammals interact with people since they are born.

Recommended for every person that enjoyed this adventure, we invite you to be part of this!




If you don’t have any diving experience, what we suggest you to do is the amazing FIRST EXPERIENCE, where you’ll take a ride through the bottom of the sea constantly assisted for an instructor who will be attending you in a personalized way. Before the immersion, you’ll be taught the basic but essential guidelines that will make you feel sure underwater. This kind of adventure can be carried out in any of our natural parks. The maximum depth reached is 6 mts. The only thing that you have to do is remain calmed, breathe normally and enjoy the experience! This activity is so secure that you don’t even need to know how to swim.


Mostly, our parks are rock formations that become eaves beneath which patagonic natural ecosystem develops.  During this dive you will discover beautiful places and between the different kind of fish we can find are the sea salmon, groupers and turcos and also a great variety of invertebrates such as starfish, sea urchin, anemones, etc. and different seagrass species. 


The time spent at the bottom as the maximum depth allowed are settled for the Argentinean Navy: 20 minutes at 8mts. Depth.



For those that are already certified divers, Puerto Madryn offers several options depending on the certification level and previous experience. We have many natural Parks between the 6 and the 18mts. (Parque Nuevo, Punta Cuevas, Punta Este, Goleta Emma, Parque Las Piedras, etc) We also have three very beautiful wrecks, all of them in perfect conditions and fully covered with wildlife: the Folías which is between 6 and 12 mts and has 70mts length; the Albatros which is between 18 and 25 mts and the Antonio Miralles which is between 27 and 29mts and is 50 mts long.


For those who still don’t have their diving certification and want to start enjoying the fascinating underwater world, we offer the possibility to go ahead with the courses that will provide with international certification (from any of the most important international certifiers, PADI and SSI, as we are the only bi-certifier diving center in Puerto Madryn). The courses don’t take more than five days and as we say, if you learn diving in Patagonia, you can dive anywhere!


The first course allows you to dive till 18mts depth (Open Water Diver Course) and for those who want to go on with their knowledge and to improve the diving skills learnt, have the chance to go ahead with the Advanced Open Water Diver Course, that allows you to dive till the 30mts.


The full diving equipment is included in our excursions or courses prizes. We provide you with 7mm neoprene suits (Aqualung Safaga), interior 3mm neoprene vest, hood and gloves what means that cold water won’t be a trouble at all.

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