BB Divers Koh Chang

BB Divers Koh Chang

Koh Chang, Thailand

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BB divers is a five star padi IDC center. There are 4 shops on the island of Koh Chang and two shops on Koh Kood. Our training pool, restaurant, gym, classroom and a shop are in lonely beach, our main center and boat departure at Bang bao, and two more booking shops, one in white sand beach and one in klong prao.
We go out for daily dive and snorkeltrips. BBdivers owns 3 boats, two wooden boats and one speedboat (koh kood). 
All padi courses can be started on any date, we train from beginner diver up to professional level.

More information about BB Divers Koh Chang

BBdivers specialises in divemaster training and is the only center on Koh Chang and on Koh Kood that offer IDC, instructor training. The island offers a very athmosphere to spend a few months and become an instructor. We run 3 IDC courses a year but run the dmt year round.

Reviews (2)

Wilma July 3rd, 2012 - 0:24:
Last week I dived with my friends with BB divers Koh Kood. 2 of my friends don’t dive, so they went with us for snorkeling. We went to 2 different divespots, where we were the only dive school. So it was very quite and relaxing. We dived with Pui, a dive master who works already for years in this area. We saw a lot of beautiful fish and the corals are still so alive... Great. In between we went to a totally white small beach.. again nobody :-) it was a great day.. Staff professional and friendly, give us a lot of info about Koh Kood. For sure i go again to dive with them and enjoy the relaxing area of Koh Kood. Thanks guys!!
karin March 22nd, 2012 - 23:51:
just finished 3 months of diving with this dive center, i came to do open water here and ended up doing all my training up to dive master. Koh chang is so great, and bbdivers the best place to spend diving time, ... I wish i did not have to leave. Will miss bbdivers and hope by posting here you will get many more happy divers to join the fun boat trips see you soon again, karin

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