Active Blue Diving Centre

Active Blue Diving Centre

Kusadasi, Aegean

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Yigit YETISEN August 26th, 2011 - 14:22:
Before you make any bookings take a look at Active Blue, I've just returned from an amazing 10 days in Kusadasi. As well as the usual tourist attractions i really wanted to complete an Open Water Diving Course. Having never been scuba diving before i researched the various options and centres available in the Kusadasi area. i looked at the various web sites and searched forums before e-mailing each centre that caught my eye. Active Blue was the most helpful and informative, and replied within a day. Tagmac didnt even get annoyed that i emailed like 20 times in a week! When i arrived in Kusadasi i phoned him and we arranged the course i wanted to do and times for FREE transfers from and to my hotel each day. as the centre is credited for both SSI and PADI i felt it offered more options and a greater sense of profesionalism than the other centres i had contacted. having never been diving before i was ofcourse quite nervous, but all of the staff were very friendly and encouraging, and i felt at home straight away. They also have amazingly good English so it is easy to get to know and converse all day. They made sure i knew my equipment and could assemble it correctly before i put it on, and i was not left alone at any time during my stay. being a beginner i thought my first day would be a bit boring, without any dives beyond putting my head in the water. I was wrong! after 30 minutes of teaching i was able to put my basic knowledge to the test. the first dive was great- Tagmac was with me the whole time and we decended really slowly to 5m so i could first practice sharing air, loosing my regulator and mask etc. then we swam out and i was able to enjoy the fish and coral for about 20 minutes, while practicing my skills. later that morning i was taken for a second dive where we played frisbe and games under water as well as heading abit deeper to have a look at soem more unusual fish. by the second day i was out on the boat, trying various ways to enter the water and putting on the scuba system in and out of the water. there was a mixtre of open water and advanced divers on this trip, who had a lot of tips on buoyancy and clearing your mask. everyone was really helpful and friendly. i passed my written exam that day and was very excited about my final dives to follow. by the end of 3 days i had made a great group of friends and completed 6 dives for my log book as well as completing open water diver. the more i spoke to the more advanced and master divers who were visiting, the more sure i was that i had chosen the right centre to dive through. some families were travelling around turkey and making the most of dive sites, and were also very impressed with active blue and the highly trained staff. other centres did not receive the same positive comments. having completed my course i needed more dives- i was hooked and completely confident that i could continue my adventures. every few weeks Tagmac organises a Wreck Diving trip to Bodrum. it is a very worth-while drive in the bus to another centre at the Bodrum marina. an entire day on a boat with a dive to a plane wreck, followed by a more than substantial lunch, a rest and then a dive to a ship wreck. this was probably the most amazing experience of my holiday and possibly my life. the water was perfectly clear and visibility was superb. i would reccomend this to anyone who has the time to do it. i also joined the staff and other visitors on a days cave diving in Kusadasi before i came home- using lights and manouvering through very tight tunnels to see a family of crabs and other sea life was a fantastic experience. so having arrived in kusadasi with only an online open water course and no idea of how to actually put my theory into practice i left 10 days later with 10 dives and a volume of experience i will never forget. i honestly put this down to the superb attitude and friendliness of all of the staff at active blue, as well as their highly skillful diving experience and individual teaching skills. Everyone i spoke to agreed that they will return to active blue any time we are in the area. check them out at to Tagmac, Tugce, Alsi, Irfan, Yigit, Osman, Tim, Hasan, Emin, Efe and anyone i've forgotten- Thankyou for the best time ever

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